Be On The Lookout For The Following Valuable Items At The Thrift Store

Published on 02/04/2021

Monster Pearl

There is a chance that you also have a bunch of things that you do not need or use below your bed. You might not even know what is down there right at this moment. A fisherman in the Philippines kept a huge ‘rock’ in the same spot for years, leaving it there for luck. He later found out that his lucky charm is the biggest pearl on the planet. It was 2 feet long and weighed 75 pounds. Now worth $100 million, he found it off the coast of an island. Pearls grow inside a living organism, typically an oyster. Aside from its massive size, the pearl in question is also notable because it was formed inside a clam!

Monster Pearl

Monster Pearl


Rare John Constable Mini Painting

When Robin Darrell bought a box of bits and pieces at a local auction, he did not pay much attention to a small painting the size of a postcard. He left it in a drawer and pretty much forgot about its existence. A decade after that, he passed it on to his son Rob. The younger man was intrigued by the painting and decided to look more into it. He later found out that this was an original John Constable piece worth $390,000. The artist was a landscape painter whose works were inspired by rural Suffolk. His works are some of the most admired and treasured in the history of British art. We are sure that both men were surprised to learn the truth about it. For the longest time, they had no idea that it was a masterpiece.

Rare John Constable Mini Painting

Rare John Constable Mini Painting