Take A Look At The War Movies Actually Hit The Mark In Terms Of Accuracy

Published on 07/01/2020

U-571 (2000)

U-571 had a powerhouse of a cast with the likes of Matthew McConaughey, Jon Bon Jovi, and Harvey Keitel. It was meant to showcase the brave American soldiers who retrieved an Enigma coding device from a German sub during the Second World War. Even though they did that successfully, the truth was that HMS Bulldog from the United Kingdom accomplished this feat months before the United States even joined the war effort. The film received plenty of criticism for this since it felt like it was downplaying the efforts of other Allied nations during the war.

U 571 (2000)

U-571 (2000)


Jarhead (2005)

Jake Gyllenhaal played the lead role in Jarhead. The film received a lot of accolades for its depiction of the psychological hardships experienced by the U.S. troops during the first Gulf War. Despite this, ex-Marines have criticized the film. One of them explained that the mental and physical abuse was “rare and taken out of context.” The movie ended up being so controversial that the Marine Corps Office of Public Affairs had to issue a statement. It said that it had an “inaccurate” portrayal of the soldiers on top of being a “reasonable interpretation of military life.”

Jarhead (2005)

Jarhead (2005)