Take A Look At The War Movies Actually Hit The Mark In Terms Of Accuracy

Published on 07/01/2020

The Great Escape (1963)

Who would have thought that one of the best-known Hollywood war films would be one of the most accurate as well? Even though it was not particularly praised for its historical accuracy, The Great Escape still stayed true to its characters and time period. As a matter of fact, many characters were based on real people! The team also shot the scenes in German settings and used a tunnel made for escape. Still, the movie paints a more Americanized perspective of this escape when in reality, it was mostly planned by Canadian and British personnel. Three escapees were Dutch and Norwegian as well.

The Great Escape (1963)

The Great Escape (1963)


Rescue Dawn (2006)

Did you know that this 2006 film was adapted from a documentary? If you haven’t seen it, the film follows the story of Dieter Dengler, a German-American pilot who was captured during the Vietnam War. He was captured, imprisoned, tortured, and eventually escaped. A lot of praise has been given to Rescue Dawn since it went to great lengths to show the daily struggles in the camp. They did change small details such as his accent and the number of prisoners held hostage, however. More importantly, it understates the worst torture that Dengler received, probably in an effort to stay PG-13.

Rescue Dawn (2006)

Rescue Dawn (2006)