Is There Any Evidence Of What Jesus Looked Like?

Published on 06/04/2020

The Last Supper

The Historian Joan Taylor gathered any evidence and gave her idea about Jesus. She said that the Messiah would never sit on that kind throne. It might be popular with the people in our current period. However, it would never portray the real image of Him while he was living. It was not always a fact that we could tell if it was true, even though this was the imagery that was known when he was with his followers doing the last supper.

The Last Supper

The Last Supper


The Modern Look

There were reports in these illustrations that made the historians curious. There were some concepts that the original work from those artists had been altered. It made us think that it was the real image of Jesus, but it was not. Historians pointed out that artists developed their work to make the person or the image into an evangelical theme. There was an example of those pictures that had been changed like the sword had been redecorated as a bible, the central figure was decorated to make it look like an absolution for other people and many more.

The Modern Look

The Modern Look