Amusing And Amazing: These Kitchen Products Are Taking The World By Storm

Published on 01/04/2021

CinniBird Spice Pen

This is an item that you should give to all the chefs in your life. Trust us when we say that the CinniBird Spice Pen will make their lives easier and more fun. It is just like a real pen, but it instead uses spices, cocoa powder, coffee grounds, and more in lieu of ink! This makes it much easier to write whatever message you want. You can also use it if you just want to jazz up your food for Instagram. With this item, the possibilities are endless! You simply have to fill it up, twist the cap, and draw. It only costs $14.99!

CinniBird Spice Pen

CinniBird Spice Pen


Fruit Keg Tapper

We love watermelon juice, but the sad thing about that is that watermelons are hard to tap. This is no longer the case with the introduction of the Final Touch Watermelon Keg Tapper by Final Touch. You just have to cut a lid from the top, scoop it up, and put aside the innards. This device has a coring tool that you can use to make the hole, insert the shank, and attach a faucet, That’s it! Simply fill it with your alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage of choice. The company also threw in a recipe to go with the instructions. At the moment, Amazon reviewers think highly of it. The product will cost you $24.99.

Fruit Keg Tapper

Fruit Keg Tapper