Helena Bonham Carter
Helena Bonham Carter may have spent 13 years of her life with Tim Burton, but she has never officially tied the knot yet. They liked their relationship status and didn’t see why they needed marriage. They have two children and they now have joint custody of their children. Helena was interviewed after their breakup, and she said, I don’t plan on marrying or even dating. I feel very self-sufficient at the moment. I’m just going to work out who I am on my own and it’s quite liberating.”

Helena Bonham Carter
Miranda Richardson
You may be more familiar with Miranda Richardson in the show Sleepy Hollow. She claims that she has nothing against marriage but she also said that she would only get married when she meets the right person. In 2009, she told the Daily Mail , “I think marriage would be quite good for me, but I’m not going to just go out and hire someone. I think, intermittently, that you find Mr. Right, but you have to get lucky. I don’t rule out having a family – it just hasn’t happened for me yet.”

Miranda Richardson