Take A Look At The War Movies Actually Hit The Mark In Terms Of Accuracy

Published on 07/01/2020

Revolution (1985)

Do you want to know how bad Revolution was? The American Revolution war film was so bad that it made Al Pachino stop acting for years. It follows a fur trapper who landed in the middle of the Revolutionary War after his child becomes a drummer boy. Its dialogue and characters were not only bad, but historical inaccuracies also riddled the film all throughout. The plot, geography, and plot had far too many clichés. The film also botched how the Battle of Yorktown really went down.

Revolution (1985)

Revolution (1985)


The Red Baron (1971)

Also known as Von Richthofen and Brown, the 1971 movie focuses on a conflict between fighter pilots facing off against one another during the First World War. The film uses the real names and stories of the people involved, but everything else is fictionalized from top to bottom. It had a bad script and a small budget, so it was unable to portray the story with any aerial accuracy. To top it off, a person actually passed away while they were taping the film.

The Red Baron (1971)

The Red Baron (1971)