Listing America’s States Based On Their Obesity Rates

Published on 11/20/2020

New Hampshire – 31.8% Obesity Rate

New Hampshire is in a very grim state: almost two out of three adults and over a fifth of  are overweight or obese. The only positive thing to say is that for at least five years now this rate has held steady. To begin reversing this deadly trend, it is clear that governments, the food industry, and individuals need to take action. Despite the proportion, only 9 percent of adults in New Hampshire suffer from diabetes or obesity-related conditions.

New Hampshire 31.8% Obesity Rate

New Hampshire 31.8% Obesity Rate


New Jersey – 27.7% Obesity Rate

When it comes to obesity, New Jersey seems to be faring better than most of the country. That isn’t to suggest that they’re doing well. Just like all the other nations, New Jersey is slowly getting heavier. However the state is taking some serious steps to fix the issue. In 2020, an initiative was developed to enhance the general health of citizens of New Jersey. “Healthy New Jersey 2020” seeks to accomplish multiple health-centered targets by the end of the year in order to promote healthier lifestyle choices.

New Jersey Insufficient Data

New Jersey – 27.7% Obesity Rate