Groom Your Eyebrows With A Toothbrush
Most people use toothbrushes to keep their teeth clean and fight oral problems. However, you can actually use them for something else. If you have a spare and unused toothbrush, you can use it to groom your eyebrows as well. This is much cheaper than most eyebrow brushes out there. When you do this, you have basically saved yourself the hassle of paying the drugstore yet another visit. Score!

Groom Eyebrows With A Toothbrush
Loosen Doors With Petroleum Jelly
Squeaky doors are so annoying! However, not everyone has the free time to go to the hardware store and look for something to address the issue at hand. This hack might be the solution you need. You only need to put some petroleum jelly on drawer tracks, door hinges, and other squeaky surfaces. This will let you enjoy the peace and quiet once more.

Loosen Doors With Petroleum Jelly