The Fascinating Life Of The Comedy Phenomenon That Is Don Knotts

Published on 11/13/2019

Second Marriage

Don Knotts’ second wife was Loralee Czuchna and they were married from 1974 to 1989. There were rumors that Don had developed an obsession with his health and experienced bouts of deep depression, which was cited as one of the reasons the pair grew apart and eventually divorced. By the time Don and Loralee finally called it quits, he was already suffering from severe depression and it took him a while to rethink his life. Many years later, Don Knotts remarried for the last time.

Second Marriage

Second Marriage


Third Marriage

In 2002, Don Knotts remarried for the last time and he and his wife Frances Yarborough were together until his passing in 2006. Frances Yarborough is actually an actress and she is best known for appearing in the 1976 movie The Electric Chair, which was a dud that audience members and critics soon forgot. Except for being Knotts’ wife, Yarborough did not have any other notable performances. After her husband’s death, she went on air and said this about Don: “He saw poignancy in people’s pride and pain and he turned it into something endearing and hilarious.”

Third Marriage

Third Marriage