This Is Exactly What The Behavior Of Your Dog Is Trying To Tell You

Published on 10/15/2021

Hugging With Eyes

When they put on puppy dog eyes, they aren’t simply trying to be cute; they are also attempting to communicate. No, they want to express their feelings of affection for you as well. Consider it to be the canine equivalent of hugging. That expression indicates that they desire to be hugged or kissed by you. When they gaze into your eyes like that, it is evident that they adore you.

Hugging With Eyes

Hugging With Eyes



When your dog yowls, he or she is trying to communicate with you. “Our German Shepherd rescue, the sweetest dog we have ever owned (unless you happen to be a cat),” wrote one writer in an animal journal, “is nine years old.” She ‘talks’ about everything and everything! Grumbles about not being able to have a cat lunch has 5-minute talks about going for a stroll, and exchanges niceties (you’d swear) about how delighted she is to see someone.”

