Lucky Kids With Bad Taste
“They’re fortunate kids, with horrible taste,” said a neighbor who wanted to remain anonymous. While another neighbor said, “Not too much sense in it.” “It almost seems like they dreamt it up and decided to do it without thinking.” Another neighbor, who also asked not to be identified, also said: “It is a bit of an eyesore though; it won’t be long until it starts crumbling down. It’s been there for years, and nothing’s changed with it, so I wouldn’t be surprised if nothing happens for a good long while yet.”

Lucky Kids With Bad Taste
It Was Barricaded
The local council is well aware, though, of the issue. In fact, the UK’s ITV quoted a recent Council report saying, “The house has been the victim of anti-social behavior, vandalism, countless arson, and nuisance fire attempts, and is now in a state where every opening has been blocked up… and secured by steel sheets.” And what about the ghosts that are said to have haunted the house?

It Was Barricaded