Critics Say These Are The Worst TV Shows To Have Ever Graced The Small Screen

Published on 10/23/2019

The Chevy Chase Show

Even though it had the makings of a success, this show crashed and burned instead. One of the original Saturday Night Live members, there were a lot of expectations for Chevy Chase. Time Magazine explained, “Nervous and totally at sea, Chase tried everything, succeeded at nothing.” Ken Tucker, a TV critic, gave it an F score. It was a good thing that this did not ruin the funnyman!

The Chevy Chase Show

The Chevy Chase Show


Homeboys In Outer Space

Hold on tight because we are heading off to space with Ty Walker and Morris Clay of “Homeboy.” They traveled around in “Space Hoopty,” a cross between a 19-wheeler and a low-rider piloted by a computer called Loquatia. No, we are not kidding you at all. A critic said it was stunning with its “ineptitude and tastelessness.” Another said, “The writing, acting, and production feel merely sloppily indifferent.”

Homeboys In Outer Space

Homeboys In Outer Space