You Might Want To Think Twice Before Enrolling At These US Colleges

Published on 02/25/2021

Black Hills State University, South Dakota

Are you eager to enjoy what the great outdoors have to offer? Those looking to get away from the city might want to check out Black Hills State University. This place is perfect for that. Sitting atop 123 acres of land, the campus is a sight to behold. There are only 4,000 students at the school, so there is more space than most educational institutions have to offer. On the other hand, the return on investment is less than satisfactory. Graduates remain in the red for a long time, so it might not be the best option.

Black Hills State University, South Dakota

Black Hills State University, South Dakota


Philander Smith College, Arkansas

For the longest time, Philander Smith College has been called one of the most prominent HBCU colleges in the country. The students come from different minority backgrounds. While it does a good job at that, it can still improve in certain aspects. For one thing, it only has 760 students. Despite this, many of them end up leaving before they see the end of the degree program. With a graduation rate of 30 percent and a median salary that is $10,000 below the national average within six years, we can see why this is the case.

Philander Smith College, Arkansas

Philander Smith College, Arkansas