You Might Want To Think Twice Before Enrolling At These US Colleges

Published on 02/25/2021

Johnson University, Tennessee

If you are looking into Johnson University, you should know that the school only accepts 700 undergrads each year. It can be hard to get in when you are up against the tough competition. It is relatively calm and quiet in comparison to other American colleges. With a graduation rate of 63 percent, it fares better than the others here. Still, graduates find it hard to snag a job after they graduate. Another reason it is on this list would be the median salary. It is below the average, which makes things more unappealing.

Johnson University, Tennessee

Johnson University, Tennessee


Bacone College, Oklahoma

Are you thinking of enrolling at Bacone College? You might want to know that it is possible that you will not graduate. The school has a dismal graduation rate of only 14.9 percent. This is already bad enough, but only 6 percent of students finish their degrees on time. The school also has pretty high tuition fees, with the average student leaves with $25,220. Even though 90 percent of graduates find themselves employed within two years, the average salary is only $34,500 six years after graduation.

Bacone College, Oklahoma

Bacone College, Oklahoma