Ever since our prepubescent years majority of us (unfortunately) have been seeking for the best, easiest, cheapest, and most effective/beneficial ways to get flawless skin, naturally. And as we all know it’s definitely a super frustrating struggle. Because the internet is filled with back-and-forth, most of the time conflicting, information we’re not 100% sure what works and what doesn’t work and in the end we find ourselves just more confused. So to save you time, money, and a headache, we’ve compiled a few of what we think are the best and most simple tips and tricks for flawless skin.
Drink Plenty Of Water
Water is maybe, if not the #1, most essential ingredient/nutrient in our daily diet. While majority of us seem to be aware and knowledgeable of the (countless) positive benefits water provides, the act of drinking water seems to be a less familiar habit — even though the two go hand-in-hand. Because water hydrates your skin and body a natural glow is produced, giving your skin a more youthful and radiant glow. Everyone should be drinking a minimum of 8oz of water per day. Yes you may be visiting the bathroom more frequently, but at least you’ll have glowing skin.

Drink Lots Of Water
Limit Caffeine
Sadly that daily morning boost we all “can’t live without” is not your skin’s best friend. In fact, caffeine can drastically dehydrate your skin which we all know is not good. So for those who cannot carry on their days without having their morning cup of Joe, then here’s what you gotta do — for every one cup of coffee, drink (at least) two cups of water. If there is an equal balance of coffee and water in your diet then your skin will become very dry which can lead to wrinkles. Moral of the story: water is key to life!

Limit Caffeine
Stay Away From Sugars
First caffeine and now sugar? Yes we know, slightly depressing — but trust us you want to know why. So it’s no secret that sugar, in every form, is very addicting even more so then many drugs. Consuming too much sugar can cause skin inflammations, or more commonly known as acne (great) or even Rosacea which is adult acne (awesome). So next time you grab for those M&M’s just remember that sugar won’t only go to your hips, but it can also go to your skin. Now that’s scary to imagine!

Limit Sugar
Use Moisturizer
And finally the biggest and best tip for flawless skin — MOISTURIZE! Now unless you’re like me and cannot step foot out of the shower without lathering up, then you probably think that using lotion will make your skin oily, dry, flaky, etc. However, using a daily moisturizer will absolutely do the opposite to your skin and you’re skin will love you. Use moisturizer and enjoy smoother, healthier, and flawless skin!
