Critics Say These Are The Worst TV Shows To Have Ever Graced The Small Screen

Published on 10/23/2019

Try as they might, but it is truly impossible for all TV shows to end up a masterpiece. The following 45 shows have all been considered the worst of the worst! We just hope that your favorite TV show did not make it to the list… We apologize if this ever happens, but we are just out here to speak the facts. This was what the critics had to say, after all.

Critics Say These Are The Worst TV Shows To Have Ever Graced The Small Screen

Critics Say These Are The Worst TV Shows To Have Ever Graced The Small Screen


The Jerry Springer Show

A TV reviewer called it “the worst show in the history of television,” but it enjoyed a surprisingly long run. It debuted in 1991 and enjoyed 27 seasons with 3,800 episodes. With episode titles like “Your Groom Is A Cheater,” “A Man Marries A Horse,” and “I’m Leaving My Baby Mama,” it’s no high-brow entertainment. Even Springer himself said, “I would never watch my show.” Do with that what you will.

The Jerry Springer Show

The Jerry Springer Show